Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Results
Lettres ... La Reine Marie Casimire, Pendant La Campagne De Vienne En 1683, Tr. Par Le Comt... by John (Iii (Sobieski) King O... ISBN: 9781144834317 List Price: $26.75
Lettere Militari, Con Un Piano Di Riforma Dell'esercito Polacco Del Re Giovanni Sobiescki Ed... by John (III (Sobieski) King o... ISBN: 9781147817539 List Price: $19.75
The Life-Story and Personal Reminiscences of Col. John Sobieski (a Lineal Descendant of King... by John Sobieski III King of P... ISBN: 9781356062560 List Price: $26.95
The Life-Story and Personal Reminiscences of Col. John Sobieski ( a Lineal Descendant of Kin... by Sobieski, John, III, John S... ISBN: 9781356059003 List Price: $26.95
The Life-Story and Personal Reminiscences of Col. John Sobieski (a Lineal Descendant of King... by John Sobieski III King of P... ISBN: 9781356474134 List Price: $28.95
Briefe an Die K?niginn Marie Kasimire W?hrend Des Feldzugs Von Wien. by John Iii Sobieski (king of ... ISBN: 9781021013583
Briefe an Die K?niginn Marie Kasimire W?hrend Des Feldzugs Von Wien. by John Iii Sobieski (king of ... ISBN: 9781022587090